Thursday, December 4, 2008

Where are all the gentlemen?

I am currently reading Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I know the Civil War was a long time ago, but men in those days treated women with respect and dignity. Sure, women played mind games and were taught how to catch a good gentleman from the cradle, but these men took care of their women.

I want to be cared for, and I don't mean by someone saying "I care about you." I want the actions to reciprocate those words. Sure, I can do a lot of things by myself, but I have that old school way of thinking the man should take care of the woman. Open the door for me. Take me on a date sometime. Pay for something without complaining. Adore me! Am I not adorable? :)

At the same time I am reading Gone with the Wind, I find it strange I should come across a blog called The Art of Manliness. I haven't had time to read too many posts to see how thoroughly I agree, but I do agree with this one, about hanging out vs. dating.

Please don't take offense, men. I only wish there were more gentlemen left.

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