Friday, October 3, 2008

Using the right tools

As I was sitting in my office editing the latest edition of Spears School magazine before it went to print, a few young men came in and began talking about a video project to promote a food drive. (I share my office with three other people so this is quite common.)

I was excited to find out these gentlemen advertised the food drive using YouTube last year, with great success. They are doing it again this year, and want a high-quality video. I am just proud of people who are using the right tools to reach their audience.

If this same food drive would've been in my hometown, it would've been a flop. The majority of people do not know what YouTube or Facebook is. These gentlemen are posting the video on YouTube, embedding it in their blogs, putting links on their Facebook profiles, etc. This are the right tools to reach their audience. While college campusus may not be the perfect breeding grounds for helping feed the hungry, OSU students love helping a great cause.

And, thanks to several social media tools, I have no doubt OSU students will roll out and help with this food drive.

P.S. Have I ever mentioned I'm proud to be a Cowboy? Because I am. Through and through.

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